
Who is BoosterHub for

Boosterhub is a place prepared to ensure effective and efficient development for:

  1. For people thinking about their own company (graduates of technical universities, people preparing to run their own company with a technical profile).
  2. For start-ups with a technical profile that are looking for the best place to develop their businesses. At the same time, caring for the development of own managerial skills.
  3. For experienced entrepreneurs and investors (investment funds) who want to place their companies in a place that ensures their effective development and supervises the daily implementation of schedules resulting from investment agreements (investor supervision). At the same time, training company managers and planning business development with them.

Boosterhub resources have been developed for technical companies that are in a phase of growth and intensive development. Most often these are the first years of their activity. It is a time to verify assumptions, search for an optimal business model, in-depth knowledge and understanding of customer and market needs, adapt your offer to the needs of the market, build the first structures of the company, seek financial support, create prototypes, etc., etc. – It is industrial and office space, common prototype workshop, common secretariat, free co-working space available