
Business Incubator


The first comprehensive business support ecosystem in Poland.

We are a combination of a traditional incubator and business accelerator with business consulting specially prepared for the early stage of development of companies, with providing access to basic B2B services such as accounting, legal services, IT support in the Park.

The BoosterHub offer includes 3 key areas

Business-related services

Legal, accounting and human resources services, consulting and Patent Attorney services


We provide industrial space, office space, prototype workshop, parking spaces, conference rooms

Business support

Participation in a 12-month incubation and development programme

Who is BoosterHub for?

Boosterhub resources have been developed for technical companies that are in a phase of growth and intensive development.


Do you want to start a business? For people thinking about their own company (graduates of technical universities, people preparing to run their own company with a technical profile)


Do you want to grow your business? For start-ups with a technical profile that are looking for the best place to develop their businesses. At the same time, caring for the development of own managerial skills.


Are you an Investor? You want to place your companies in a place ensuring their effective development and exercising daily supervision over the implementation of schedules arising from investment contracts (investor's supervision).

BoosterHub - the first comprehensive business support ecosystem in Poland.

It is a new form of the Park and the Business Incubator – constructed in an unprecedented way. It is a combination of a traditional incubator and business accelerator with business consulting specially prepared for the early stage of development of companies /pre-seed, seed, startup/, providing access to basic B2B services such as accounting, lawyer, IT support in the Park.

Boosterhub – is a comprehensive business support ecosystem. It supports in three key areas. It gathers the necessary infrastructure resources, provides business-related services and, most importantly, ensures your participation in the training program by teaching you practical business skills (pre-seed, seed, start-up). Starting from market analysis, through the development and testing of a business model, drawing up a strategy of action, obtaining financing to the creation of sustainable organizational structures of a mature enterprise.


Boosterhub is a place created by experienced entrepreneurs for new entrepreneurs.

We are happy to advise you and answer your questions. We invite you to contact us

What makes us different

We are different – we share our business experience and the latest knowledge in managing a startup (pre-seed, seed, startup phase). We provide support in many areas. We are effective. And it is measured by the growth and success of your business.
We provide support in three areas. At the infrastructure level. At the level of business-related services. At the level of substantive development of you as an entrepreneur and of your business. We get into your business and work with you to develop it. The success of your company is our goal. We will work on it together.
We know what is important for the successful development of your company – we focus on training you as an entrepreneur!
The companies placed in the Booster Hub participate in a 12-month Incubation and Development Programme preparing them for independent operation.
