
Application rules

Fill out the application form on the apply online page and send it to us.

After we have confirmed the possibility of implementation, we will make an appointment. The relevant agreements will then be prepared and signed. Then you become a full participant of the “Boosterhub” Park and Business Incubator program in Rzeplin

Rules and Regulations for application to the “Boosterhub” Park and the Business Incubator in Rzeplin

  1. The application to the Park and the “Boosterhub” Business Incubator in Rzeplin – is made by means of an on-line application, through the website
  2. An entity interested in using the offer of the “Boosterhub” Park and the Business Incubator in Rzeplin should fill in the appropriate form (depending on the type of entity it represents, there are three different types of offer for: 1. Private person – wearing with the intention of starting a business. 2. Registered company – with a given REGON – acting on its own behalf. 3. Investor/Investment Fund – holding or planning to hold shares in a company to be placed in Boosterhub.
  3. The form should indicate which services are planned to be used when you are placed in the “Boosterhub” Park and the Business Incubator in Rzeplin. This should be done by highlighting the appropriate field – corresponding to the individual positions in the following areas: 1. Infrastructure. 2. Business-related services. 3. Business support services. Moving the cursor over a particular field will expand the window with detailed information about the service.
  4. The completed form, together with providing the required information identifying the applicant, i.e. name, surname, company name, e-mail address of the applicant, telephone number of the applicant, planned date of commencement of using the Boosterhub offer, should be sent to the “Boosterhub” Park and Business Incubator in Rzeplin, by pressing the “Send application” button.
  5. Confirmation of application notification is sent to the e-mail address provided by the applicant and the application notification is sent to the inbox of the “Boosterhub” Park and Business Incubator in Rzeplin.
  6. Filling in and sending the online application does not constitute the conclusion of any agreement between the applicant and the Park and the Entrepreneurship Incubator, and does not oblige either party to conclude any agreement in the future.
  7. The employees of the Park and the “Boosterhub” Business Incubator in Rzeplin analyze the application form in terms of the possibility of realization of particular required positions indicated by the applicant in the application form.
  8. The analysis consists in determining the availability of individual components shown in the application. The availability of infrastructure, especially the required industrial and/or office space, availability of workstations, etc., shall be checked. Then the possibility of providing business and business-related services is verified.
  9. The “Boosterhub” Park and Business Incubator in Rzeplin also assesses the applicant in terms of its business profile. First of all, the “Boosterhub” Park and the Business Incubator in Rzeplin will propose to sign contracts (Lease Contracts, Infrastructure Use Contracts, Consulting Service Contracts) for companies from the SME sector at an early stage of development, i.e. start-ups in the “seed” and “pre-seed” phase. The pre-seed phase, i.e. the earliest phase of startup development, is related to the initiation of the business idea and initial preparation for its implementation. At the pre-seed stage, preliminary product concepts are developed prior to prototyping. The seed phase, i.e. the second stage of development of start-ups for companies that already have a prototype of their own product or even started to offer a finished product on the market. In addition, the services of the “Boosterhub” Park and the Business Incubator will be addressed to those companies that will represent industries that are part of the region’s smart specialization, and in particular to companies in the area: SPATIAL MOBILITY, MACHINE AND EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING, MATERIAL PROCESSING. According to the assumptions concerning the profile of future tenants of the Park, the companies to which the services of the Park are addressed are, in addition to new startups operating usually for less than 2 years and operating in preferred areas (areas that are part of the smart specialization of the region) are also more mature entities, operating also in preferred areas. Park tenants must belong to the SME sector and their activities must be innovative. Preference will be given to enterprises conducting or planning to conduct research and development and/or innovation activities. The companies to which the services of the Park will be addressed are also mature entities from the SME sector, operating in the preferred areas and companies supporting the “Boosterhub” Park and the Business Incubator in Rzeplin (belonging to the starup support ecosystem), providing B2B services, useful especially for companies in the incubation phase, which provide additional support for park tenants and incubated companies. Supporting companies will be able to rent office space and use the park’s infrastructure, but they will not be able to constitute an essential part of the park’s tenants.
  10. The “Boosterhub” Park and the Business Incubator in Rzeplin has the right not to conclude individual agreements (Lease Agreements, Infrastructure Use Agreements, Consultancy Service Agreements) – despite submitting an on-line application due to the lack of possibility to provide the required services or due to the applicant’s failure to meet the requirements concerning the business profile described in the point above.
  11. After the assessment of the application, the employees of the “Boosterhub” Park and the Business Incubator in Rzeplin provide feedback to the applicant, by e-mail, to the e-mail address provided by the applicant in the application form. Feedback will be given within 7 working days. Counting from the next day, after the day the on-line application is received by the Park and Business Incubator.
  12. Feedback – contains a statement about the possibility or impossibility of providing services to the applicant, in the scope specified in the on-line application form.
  13. In the case of the impossibility to provide services to the applicant, the feedback will give the reason, e.g.: lack of available infrastructure, incompatibility of the applicant’s business profile with the preferred business profile of the Boosterhub Park and Business Incubator.
  14. If it is possible to provide the services submitted in the application for the benefit of the applicant, the feedback includes the fact that the application has been accepted and an invitation to sign appropriate agreements between the applicant and the Park and Business Incubator.
  15. After signing separate, individual agreements (Lease Agreements and/or Infrastructure Use Agreements and/or Consulting Services Agreements), the applicant becomes a tenant of the “Boosterhub” Park and the Business Incubator in Rzeplin.
  16. Mutual relations between the tenant and the Park are then governed by the provisions of the aforementioned Detailed Agreements.