
BoosterHub values

We support you comprehensively – we develop your business competences.

It is an ecosystem of business development – it brings together in one place the infrastructure resources needed for development (such as a physical workplace, office and production space, prototype workshop, conference rooms, conference space), business-related services (which you always need: postal service, joint secretariat, accounting and HR services, legal services, IT security, marketing services, social-media services, etc.) and most importantly and crucially, it provides business support in the development of your company (participation in a 12-month incubation and development program – conducted by experienced entrepreneurs. ) /Own incubation and development program – these are lectures and workshops covering practical aspects of business concept development – you will learn how to prepare for the start of your own company and then how to verify business assumptions in the real life. Methodology of starting, running and modelling your own start-up. If you are in the pre-seed, seed phase – you want to verify assumptions, prepare to set up a business – then Boosterhub is the best place to do it.

If you have your start-up, if you are verifying assumptions, building a prototype, acquiring customers, looking for funding – then Boostehub is the place that gives you the best chance of success.

It is a place where you and your company will receive comprehensive support in business development.

It is a place of incubation and development of your business.

A place where you will receive multi-level support.